When Wolf Blitzer asked your girl Condi if she would reveal who she was going to vote for POTUS, she told him "no". She pulled a Colin Powell on us. Now, I can understand why Colin would remain silent - but, not the original Bush girl. I find her silence on this very interesting cause don't we all assume she's gonna vote for the Mc Man?
Here's an excerpt of Blitzer's interview:
QUESTION: ...Your immediate predecessor, Colin Powell, I interviewed him many times. But he said this to Tavis Smiley back in January about this race and about the phenomenon of Senator Barack Obama. He said this: “Let’s enjoy this moment, where a person like Barack Obama can knock down all of those old barriers that people thought existed with respect to the opportunities that are available for African Americans. And my congratulations to him.”
Now, you grew up in the segregated South. You know what racism is in our country. The fact that Barack Obama is now the Democratic presidential nominee, what does that say to you?
SECRETARY RICE: I think it’s great and I think it’s great for our country. And I do think it says that we’ve come a long way. But it’s interesting that it’s from Colin Powell. He knocked down a few barriers of his own.
QUESTION: And you did, too. You, obviously, as well.
SECRETARY RICE: He knocked down the barrier as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He knocked down the barrier as the first black Secretary of State. Yes, I’ve knocked down a few, too. It just shows that our country’s been doing this for a while. And it’s great that this last barrier, perhaps, has also come down.
QUESTION: Have you decided who to vote for?
SECRETARY RICE: Wolf, I – yes.
QUESTION: Do you want to tell us?
QUESTION: Okay, you don’t have to.
Now, what you think about that?
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.