But, let us not forget that Troy is not the only one on death row in the states or throughout the world. There are those who are in favor of the death penalty and those who are not. But, everyone will agree that no individual should be put to death for a crime that he or she did not commit. On that fact we can and must all agree. In accordance with the "rules", participation is optional and you may pass on this award whether you display it or not. You may, however, pass it on to as few or as many bloggers you wish. If you do pass it on, just link to the person who sent it to you as well to those you pass it on to. Pass the award not only to bloggers who write primarily about racism, but to bloggers who have written insightful posts on the subject as well. Once again, Much Obliged! Very Much Obliged!Much obliged to all Sojourner's who answered the call to action on behalf of Troy Davis on May 19. While I am very appreciative of your participation, the fact that our collective voices may stir the heart and soul of Gov. Perdue to grant clemency to a man who may well be innocent. As I wrote to AfroSpear members:
Many Sojourners answered this call to action and those who either provided me with a link to their posts or posts I found while sojourning the blogosphere are listed below. If your post link is not listed, please drop it in the comment section here and I will add it.
Global Day of Blogging for Action for Troy Davis Participants:As simple words are just not adequate to show just how thankful I am to each of the bloggers listed here, I am passing on the Shades of Black and White Award to each of you. Tricia from The Girl Who Wears My Shoes, was inspired by Shirl the owner of the blog for which this award was name; and as such I am very humbled to have been among the first to receive this award directly from Shirl.
This award is passed along to deserving bloggers who are committed to bridge the gap of racism due to their passionate writing, their excellent communication skills, their courage to "put it out there" and because they truly care about the only race that matters, the human race.
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Sojourner's Place
6 sojourners hollin' back
I am honored as well. And thanks for all the hard work you did on this project. I will continue to fight on his behalf.
I'm just another honored brother. I will post this honor on my blog. PS, Your blog is great, I love it! You have made me decide that my blog needs an update.
Peace and blessings.
Thanks for the recognition; I am honored and humbled. I know that our voices can and will make a difference however small that may be. And even so, I shall continue to fight the good fight.
Thanks for this, it is awesome Soujourner. My fingers are crossed here, it looks as though there is a lot more outcry over this now and some "official" backers are coming forward, more people are looking into the facts of the case. You do a good thing.
Sojourner I mean. lol
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- SjP
One Christian, African-American, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Professional, Sorority Woman just Sojourning for the Truth and not afraid to tell it!
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Once again, welcome and much obliged for stopping by. Come back soon!
Est. January 1, 2008

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Global Day of Action for Troy Davis

SjP passes this award on to all Global Blogging Day of Action for Troy Davis Participants.
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