In a Country whose very foundation was built on community activism, seems strange to have to justify its importance and impact. Yet, on this 8th day of September in the year 2008, we find ourselves having to do just that.
Why is it be necessary to remind our Nation- or at least a segment of our Nation - of communities organized by individuals who sought a "More Perfect Union" resulting in the Great Experiment known as The United States of America. Why is it be necessary to remind our Nation- or at least a segment of a nation - of communities organized by individuals who sought freedom for those enslaved by its citizenry? Why is it be necessary to remind our Nation - or at least a segment of our Nation - of communities organized by individuals who fought for the right for us to vote regardless of race or gender? Why is it necessary to remind our Nation - or at least a segment of our Nation - of communities organized by individuals who marched, boycotted, and in many cases died for the right to "Have a Dream"?
Why is it necessary? It is necessary because our Nation - or at least a segment of our nation - has forgotten the ideals on which this Nation was founded: E unum pluribus...Out of Many One. They have forgotten, or see no significance, in community-based movements that have changed our Nation and our World. Whether it be HIV/AIDS or Apartheid in South Africa or genocide in Darfur or Voting Rights, community organizers have played an integral part and had significant impact these issues and instigated change. To discount the significance and importance of Community Organizers, is to discount the significance and importance of what it means and is to be American.
For it is the Community Organizer who accepts the challenge and ofttimes thankless and dangerous position to go up against the status quo. It is the Community Organizer whose very life is dedicated to leaving the pile higher that it was found regardless of the cost. Yet, it is the Community Organizer who finds him or herself in the throes of ridicule, obstacles, and obstructions. It is the Community Organizer who is well aware that his or her success is measured solely on the success of the beneficiaries of his or her commitment and dedication. It is the Community Organizer who strives for a "More Perfect Union" where its citizenry - endowed by The Creator with the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - can live the American Dream.
It is for this reason, that Sojourner's Place has joined with other AfroSpear and Afrosphere on this Day of Blogging for Justice in support, recognition, and gratefulness for the work and dedication of those who have made life better for us all. Those who are "just" Community Organizers.
Please visit other bloggers blogging for justice today: Electronic Village African American Opinion African American Political Pundit African Path Afro-Netizen Allegory in a Chokehold Ancestral Energies Appetite for Equal Rights A Slant Truth Black Looks Black Political Thought Brave New Films California Now Citizen Jane Community Organizers Against Sarah Palin CripChick's Weblog Dallas Progress Dallas South Blog Eddie G. Griffin (BASG) Elaine Vigneault Electronic Village Elle, PhD eVIPlist Feministing Community Fort Wayne African-American Independant Woman Francis L. Holland Blog From My Brown Eyed View greenUPGRADER Hey Shae! I'll Offer You Eternal Bliss Illvox: Anarchist of Color InkogNegro 1.75 Jack & Jill Politics Jump Off The Bridge Keith's Space Labor Is Not a Commodity Living Life Abundantly MicroBrother MOMocrats Monroe Anderson NYCweboy Pirate Satellite PlanetSave Production Not Reproduction Professor Kim's News Notes RaceWire Radical Russ via Pam's House Blend Regina's Family Seasons Something Within Springer's Journal The 'D' Spot The 'D' Spot Redeux The Hillary 100 The Jose Vilson Blog The Safer Blog The SuperSpade This is Not My Country UltraVioletUnderground USA Today Vanessa Unplugged We Are All Community Organizers What If Where the Revolution's Gonna Begin Wichita NAACP Blog WoC.PhD Write Black Young Black Professional Guide