Its hard to believe that on Tuesday, July 1st Sojourner's Place will have been "open for business" for six whole months. When I began this adventure, I certainly had no idea what this "blogging thing" was all about. All I knew is that I needed an outlet to rant, rave, ramble, and even celebrate the things and people important to me.
Had to learn a whole new language. Feed... rank... Technorati... tags... link... cross-posting... Old School Fridays... and Wordless Wednesdays. WTH (had to learn what all those acronyms meant, too)! What had I gotten myself into? Would anybody care about what I had to say? Would anybody out there in the blogsphere even drop by Sojourner's Place, post a comment, or most of all even return? Yes, those first couple of months were very scary and very intimidating.
Then it happened! After a month of posting, surfing, and commenting I got my first comment! Oh yeah! I'm on a roll now! Then after another 2 weeks, I got another comment! Damn! What am I doing wrong? Should I stop this? Can't stop now...I'm consumed...gotta keep blogging...just got to! Then, thank you HRC! Thank you so much for delivering that Shame on You Barack Obama rant! I wrote about it and I got 3 comments! Not just any comments - but comments from New Black Woman, Villager, and Regina's Family Seasons ! And oh what comments they were...maybe they like old Sojourner's Place!
I could go on and on about the first few months of my blogging experience. But, I don't want to bore ya'll with a whole lot of sentimental s*it; and besides that ain't the reason for this post. What's the reason? Well, last night I checked my Technorati Rank and Authority. In January, my rank was some ungodly number like 4 or 5 million. Last night it was 86,054!! Villager! I broke that 100K mark! And my Authority is 75! Just 25 points away from my goal of 100! I'm shooting for August!
I wanted to do something special to say Much Obliged and to celebrate reaching this personal milestone. Because I have committed my life to "leaving the pile higher than I found it", I wanted to "pay that help and support forward" to those new to the blogsphere. As such, I have created this "Emblem of the Helping Hand" as a token of my appreciation for my blog mentors and a source of encouragement for those who are up and coming.
The Rules:
- Select 10 bloggers: 5 you consider your blogging Helping Hand then "Pay it Forward" by extending your "Helping Hand" to 5 additional bloggers in support and encouragement for their efforts.
- In passing on the Emblem, each recipient must provide the name of blog or blog author with a link for others to visit.
- Each recipient must show the Emblem and put the name and link to the blog that has given it to her or him.
- Link the Emblem to this post: Helping Hand: Much Obliged and Paying it Forward so that others will know it origin and impetus.
- If you have not already done so, show your recipients some love by adding them to your blog roll, Technorati Favorite list, or in any other way to further let them know that their blog voice is important to you and being heard.
- Add your name to The Helping Hand meme at my new blog entitled The Emblem of the Helping Hand and don't forget to leave a comment as a permanent record of all Helping Hand recipients.
- Display the rules
To my Blogging Mentors, please accept this "Emblem of the Helping Hand" as a symbol of just how much your help, support, and encouragement has meant to me during the past 6 months. As the originator of the Emblem, I'm breaking the first rule by selecting more than 5 blogs (smile).
- African American Opinion: much obliged for thinking that my rants and rumblings were worthy. when i think of you, i just want to say"it's nation time" !
- you help me keep it real and on track. still trying to live up to that 'e' for excellence; it was my first award! much obliged
- Black Tennis Pros: never knew there were so many black tennis pros! coming to your site is a joy!
- Electronic Village: could do a whole blog on you - the eternal optimist! the griot! you will never know just how much you have influenced and helped me...i suspect that i'm not the only one who feels this way!
- Francis l. Holland Blog: wow! you let me know that its quite all right to "come with it" and "come with it hard". as my mamma says, you always tell it like it t - i - is!
- Mrs. Grapevine: special...just special! you keep me informed and in the know! couldn't do it without you!
- New Black Woman: you were one of the first to leave a comment. i'll never forget the feeling that maybe i was on the right track to have warranted a comment from such an important blogger! much obliged!
- Regina's Family Seasons: you are simply a wonderful and much needed source of encouragement to me. whether your comments or your own post, you enlighten and lift my spirit.
- The Black Factor: i swear we must work at the same place! every time i visit your blog its as if you must work in the office next to mine. yours is one of the very first blogs i came upon, and there i learned that i was not alone!
- The Marvalus View: soaps, flavor of love, 10spot! guuurrrllll! you know that you are my rock!
- Vanessa: Unplugged and On the Black Hand Side : you were there before i even knew you! what can i say? you know the rest! so glad i found you!
I'm "Paying it Forward" to the following blogs. These are blogs that are doing it and doing it well. Each has a very special place reserved just for them at Sojourner's Place. I encourage you to visit, leave a comment, and if are so inclined give them a FAV. Cause we new bloggers are fragile and need your support and encouragement.
- Hagar's Daughters: "for women who find themselves at the well...praying, dancing, & pondering (& the men who join them here)." truly inspiring!
- Coffee Stained News : this blog asks the question: "Does Separation of Church and State mean we must ban Christians in Politics?"always provocative and informative.
- Black Women Blow the Trumpet: here you can "delve into the core issues (sociological, economic, political, psychological, intra-racial and cultural) that impact the self-actualization of black women in this country and in our original homeland." you'll be challenged here with every post.
- Black on Campus:"Higher Education and the African American Experience." a beautiful blog that provides both an historical and critical look at the Black experience in higher education. as a "student of higher education", i just love this blog!
- From My Brown Eyed View: "A sistah like myself moves around all time looking at this world we live in. I like looking in the past, the present, and into the future. There is always something to focus in on. This is the space where I plan to share my visions." our paths, thoughts, and ideas continue to cross...we got a lot in common!
- Notes of This Native Son: "Where Spirituality, Hip-Hop & Politics Meet!" just found you! you're blog is an inspiration, provocative, and informative.
- Underground Railroad Tribal Alliance: "The Underground Railroad Tribal Alliance seeks to foster scientific advancement throughout the African Diaspora." you've been there from the very start! very much obliged!
Well, my two lists keep getting longer because so many of you have been a true inspiration and support to me during these past 6 months. But if I don't want to corner the market here. So, I just close this by saying MUCH OBLIGED! VERY MUCH OBLIGED!
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner's Place ain't got nothing more to say.