LORIS, SC (WIS) - Officials from the Loris Police Department say Marco Vaught has been caught in Brunswick County, North Carolina.Authorities say Evette Vaught and her 2-year-old daughter Namia Vaught are okay.SLED Officials issued an AMBER Alert for Namia early Saturday morning.Officials say Namia had gone missing along with her mother Evette. According to authorities, 25-year-old Marco Murice Vaught came to Evette's father's home and forced the two to go with him.The couple's 11-year-old daughter ran to a neighbor's house.The neighbor, Ellamae Miller, said the girl arrived at her house asking for help."She told me that her mother said she needs some help. Her husband was over there trying to get her out of the house. And she was screaming and so upset, hollering for help, and so I told her to go on and call 911, and she called the police," Miller said. "I just gave her the phone and she was telling them please hurry, come on, come on. Please come on. She needs help."
Case Type: Family Abduction -- Case Number: NCMC1100891
Missing Date: Jul 19, 2008 -- Missing From: LORIS, SC
DOB: Sep 19, 2005 -- Sex: Female -- Age Now: 2
Height: 2'6" (76 cm) -- Weight: 22 lbs (10 kg)
Hair Color: Black -- Eye Color: Brown
Circumstances: Namia and her mother, Evette Vaught, were last seen on July 18, 2008. They may be in the company of an adult male relative.
Sojourner's Place supports the efforts of Black and Missing but Not Forgotten.
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.