One of the first things to go when you enter mid-life and qualify for your AARP card and senior size coffee at McDonalds is your memory. And I of course am no exception to the inevitability. So, I am begging the forgiveness of Mimi, StaciPC, and The U who all honored Sojourner's Place with two amazing awards a while back. My tardiness in passing these awards on is certainly no reflection of my sincere appreciation for the recognition. Please know that I am MUCH OBLIGED! VERY MUCH OBLIGED!Mimi of Mimi Writes, presented me with the Noblesse Oblige Award. This award is presented to: 1/ The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs. 2/ The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions. 3/ There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs. 4/ The Blog is refreshing and creative. 5/ The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.
I am passing the Noblesse Obliged Award to:
Revvy Rev of The Certain Sound: My virtual spiritual counsel, Revvy Rev is one of those Pastors who tells you like it is and even tells you about yourself in such a way that you still have something to sit on. His message is always right on and some kind of way it seems that its always just for me.
Ms. Lady Deborah of From My Brown-Eyed View: This is one sister I hope to meet in the real world. She is like sister I never had. Actually, I think we are sisters separated at birth. MBEV is always on point with the latest causes and updates. She's right on target and her spot is the very definition of what this award is all about.
Lisa of Black Women Blow the Trumpet: Lisa! Lisa! Lisa! What can I say? At Black Women Blow you will be challenged to think beyond the nose on your face. You will be asked the tough questions as this Think Tank serves as the place where cogitating copiously is a requirement about who we are as Black women, where we've been, and where we're going!
Staci PC of Staci PC's Blog: Sometimes you just never know from where or from whom that voice of encouragement is going come. Much obliged to you Staci for being there when I needed it most.
The U of Any way I have to: Words are just not adequate to express just how much I appreciate you for your encouragement and inspiration. You and your spot are truly breaths of fresh air. Keep on doing what you do!
Instructions for passing this award along can be found at here.The Life is Grand Award was presented to me Staci PC and The U. In receiving this award, I am to list 5 reasonss why "Life is Grand" and then pass the award on to 5 other bloggers.
My Life is Grand because:
1. I am blessed to have a husband who loves me
2. I am blessed to have two wonderful and beautiful daughters who are making right decisions
3. I am still the grace of God, I am still here!
4. I have a supportive and encouraging nuclear and extended family
5. God loves me inspite of myself
I am passing the Life is Grand Award to:
Tabitha of I Choose Bliss: This is a spot that just exudes love and positive thinking. Whether her beautiful and inspirational posts or her encouraging comments, I am always reminded to "choose Bliss".
Villager of Electronic Village: No matter how bad a situation might be, Villager always has a way of making you look on the bright side. The eternal optimist, as he proclaims, he reminds us all to be thankful. Truly an inspiration!
Ms Marva of Opinionated Black Woman: I truly love me some Ms Marva! She always! always! speaks from the heart. I appreciate that in her because I know that when I stop by OBW that there will be no pretense and only the real deal!
Mimi of Mimi Writes: For those of you who may not know this, Mimi is the Queen of Memes - but, more importantly, she is the creator of the Blogblasts for Peace. It takes a very special kind of person to begin an international movement for peace in cyberspace. And she is a very special person.
Ms Lady Deborah: you get a two-fer on this one! :>)
Congratulations to all!
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Sojourner's Place
5 sojourners hollin' back
Hello there SjP!
Thank you so much for recognizing the work that is being achieved at my think tank by all of the wonderful minds who contribute there! I greatly appreciate your encouragement and support!
Congratulations to all of the honorees! I'll be dropping by!
Peace, blessings and godliness!
Thanks so much twin!:-)
I really appreciate the recognition from you!
I think I mentioned at least one of your recipients in my awards list when I posted it after receiving the award from two other bloggers. Thank you for creating it.
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Who I Be?

- SjP
One Christian, African-American, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Professional, Sorority Woman just Sojourning for the Truth and not afraid to tell it!
Welcome to Sojourner’s Place!
Created with the professional African-American woman in mind, the scope of Sojourner’s Place evolves every day. So glad you stopped by and I hope you will be inspired, informed, motivated, and energized!
Once again, welcome and much obliged for stopping by. Come back soon!
Est. January 1, 2008

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Global Day of Action for Troy Davis

SjP passes this award on to all Global Blogging Day of Action for Troy Davis Participants.
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