Mrs Grapevine and Ms. Marvalus are the creators of this bloggie meme. Click here for more info and join the fun.Oh Yeah! It's FRIDAY!!! And that means it's time for some old school jamming and par-taying in the blogosphere! This week's theme is "If My Mamma Only Knew". When I first saw the theme, I thought OH LAWD! You mean I have to post a song about something I did while growing up that she still doesn't know about! Now that scared me to death. So, I must say that I was releaved to learn that the interpretation was "songs that mama would not approve of, you know the ones you had to turn off when she walked into a room, or play really really low in the basement..."
Hmmm...after thinking about it, my first thought is really a little bit easier as I really didn't listen to any music that my mamma didn't approve of while I was growing up. But, there is one song that comes to mind that I listened to back in the late 70s that my mother had no idea that Rick James was NOT singing about his woman.
Check out the rest of the "old schoolers":AJ - BklynQueen’86 - Bria - CC Groovy - Chocl8t - Cooper - Shawn - Danielle Vyas - Dee - DP - Fresh and Fab - Hagar’s Daughters – Invisible Woman - John - Keith -Kevin - Kim - LaKeisha - LaShonda - Lil Creole Pimp - Lisa C - Mahogany - Malcolm - Marcus - MarvalusOne - Mike - Mrs Grapevine - MsLadyDeborah - Pjazzypar - Pop Art Diva - Quick - Regina - Revvy Rev - Shae-Shae - Sharon - Staci - Tha Connoisseur - Thembi -Villager - Vivrant Thang - Zenobia
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Sojourner's Place
9 sojourners hollin' back
I'm going to have to get at this theme by the back door. Yes, I certainly listened to this song. I can't say that on my blog, mom might check in.
Rick James was the bomb back in the day, no lie. Brother had a great voice, and his song "You And I" is one of my all-time favorites. Mary Jane definitely qualifies for the 'Not for Momma' list!
I agree, my mom was clueless for a while but she eventually caught on and Rick was banned!!
@ Keith - You & I was also my favorite! Until Ebony Eyes came out.
I took a chance and posted Rick too, knowing that Rick, Prince, Marvin, etc. stand a high chance of popping up today because they were always singing about something to upset somebody's mama. ;-) Stupendous selection, SJP. Happy OSF!
It took a moment for me to catch on that Rick was talking about green Mary, not tall brown Mary. I am so naive...
LOL! Rick was a capital-M Mess! My mother was pretty hip--she knew what Mr. James was singing about back in the day. I could even catch her vacuuming to his music from time to time.
Happy OSF! I don't think that my Mom would know who Rick James was ... or what Mary Jane was all about today. And that is a fantasy that I will maintain. Some stuff you just don't need to know about your parents (smile). I did love me some Rick James back in the day ... Fire and Desire...
I'm certain that I would never want my mama to hear, see or associate 2 Live Crew with her saintly son!
peace, Villager
I can imagine that anyone's parents wanted them listening to Rick James. I can't think of an artist during our time that was as controversial as Rick James, except for Prince.
I remember thinking Mary Jane was about a woman, too. I also remember singing Super Freak, not knowing what a "freak" was...
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- SjP
One Christian, African-American, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Professional, Sorority Woman just Sojourning for the Truth and not afraid to tell it!
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