Cleashindra Hall
Cleashindra Hall, an honor student, has been missing since 1994. She was last seen leaving her place of employment, a doctor's home office. Cleashindra stands 5'8" tall, weighs 120 pounds and has dark short hair, dark eyes and a surgical scar on her left knee. She was last seen with her hair in a ponytail, wearing a white shirt and short set with navy polka dots and stripes, white socks and small stud earrings.
Police urge anyone with more information regarding the whereabouts of Cleashindra Hall to call the tip line at 870-543-5111. More than $10,000 in reward money is offered.
Sojourner's Place supports the efforts of the Black and Missing but Not Forgotten blog and Black & Missing, Inc.
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
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