Never saw this one coming! I thought for sure that Wesley Snipes would get no more than probation after being found guilty of tax evasion. But according to the New York Times, Florida federal judge William Terrell Hodges sentenced the actor to three years in prison for willfully failing to file tax returns.
Hodges gave Snipes one year for each count plus one year of
probation for the misdemeanors for which he was found guilty. Convicted in February, Snipes apologized for his actions before he was sentenced - but that didn't sway the judge. When sentencing Snipes, Hodges stated "These are serious crimes, albeit misdemeanors, because he has a history of contempt over time..." The judge, did however, Hodges allow Wes to remain free on bond until the US Marshals Service or Fed Bureau of Prisons summoned him. The co-defendants, Eddie Ray Kahn and Mr. Rosile, were convicted on felony charges. Kahn was sentenced to 10 years and Rosile for four and a half. Of course, Snipes's legal team intends to appeal.
Could it be that Wesley was sentenced to 3 years in federal prison for misdemeanor charges because he's viewed as an "uppity negroes" needing to be put back in his place and taught a lesson? Just seems like there's a lot of "uppity negro"-syndrome going around lately. No, I'm wrong...the judge said that Snipes "has a history of contempt over time..." It's his contempt that got him 3 years... YEAH! RIGHT!
Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner('s Place) ain't got nothing more to say. ~~SjP
say what!? snipes gets 3 years!?
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say what!? snipes gets 3 years!?