Yobachi, from BlackPerspective.net, hit the nail on the head with the head of the hammer on this one! Just as he predicted, Dog the Bounty Hunter is scheduled to re-emerge on A&E on July 16. Now, I had a very hard time trying to figure out how Dog landed a hit show about catching bail-jumping criminals on the Arts & Entertainment Network in the first place; but this move is phuqued up beyond belief.
A&E took Dog off the air for his rant and liberal use of the "N-word" because...well, Yobachi says it best:"...the expressed reasons given on the tape about how he uses the n-word and why he didn’t want his son’s Black girl friend around.
Hence, he has made no real amends for what he won’t even acknowledge he did: that he and his crew of convicted criminals regularly used the word “nigger” with derogatory intent. He has not admitted that when his son began to date a Black woman, Dog verbally savaged her simply for being Black and for no other reason. He even initially when confronted with the recording tried to disparage Monique Shinnery’s character to justify him calling her a “fucking nigger” and not wanting her around; when he had already said in the recording that he didn’t want her to catch him using the n-word as being the reason for not wanting her around."
And this in Dog's own words...listen for yourself!
"Black folks should stand for this type of derogatory behavior, and that they and others of like conscious certainly shouldn’t have our money support companies who support this demeaning behavior towards Blacks in the popular culture.
Because of this lack of making amends, and taking steps to change his attitude towards Blacks and people of color; Dog should continue to be held in consequence if and until he does."
If you believe that a bounty should be put on Dog's head to keep him off the air, I urge you write and A&E and their advertisers if they insist on bringing this racist bigot back. You can learn more about this call to action at BlackPerspective.net. Be sure to read the following posts:
A&E Is Bringing Back Dog The Bounty Hunter
We Are Going After Dog Full-fledged on Wednesday
Help Defeat the Return of Racist Dog Chapman!
Racist Dog Chapman Continues to Lie
A Black Man Has No Rights The Police Are Bound To Respect
Speak the Truth!