It seems that every night you come upon me. You bring an uncontrollable feeling resulting in an insatiable desire to throw back covers and tear off every stitch of clothing I have on. You come in the same way each and every night. No deviation. Like clockwork. You start at my the tips of my toes. First, only a warm - even a glowing type sensation. Your sensation moves slowly through body until - it seems - you reach deep down into the very depths of my soul, I say "Yes, I remember you. I'm ready for you tonight. I'm going to just lie here while you have your way with me. Cause I can't stop the feeling".
Then you are gone. I wipe my brow, my face, my neck, my chest, of the wetness you always leave around my body. I'm fine now. I'm fine now.
Yes, just like clockwork. I can almost set my clock by you. And last night was no different, except, for one thing. I was unable to drift back into the deep sleep from which I was a waken, so I begin to watch Jay in hopes that his comedic prowess would take me back to the land of dreams.
Hmmm ...commercial: CIALIS - "works up to 36 hours" ...commercial: VIAGRA: "ready when you are" ...commercial: some kind of PUMP - "you'll be ready in 4 minutes"
And then I think about Whoopie Goldberg and say "D*MN! Y'ALL REALLY CAN'T COME UP WITH SOMETHING TO GET RID OF A HOT FLASH!"
WTH did you think I was talking about? LOL!
Speak the Truth!
Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.
you come every night
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you come every night