So they not talking bout them shoes that Serena use to wear befo she got that big a$$ Nike contract? You mean there's a group of white women going around sayin Party Unity My A$$ cause they pissed off that that gal Hillary didn't win that nomination. Wonders if that Harriet Christian, who called that boy an "inadequate black man" is ober that group?
Anyway, I knows I'm a day late and a dollar short on this here PUMA-thing, but I had to do a little lookin around befo I says anythin about these gals. Don't want to make nobody mad at ole SjP.
So, I finds this here place called, The Confluence, which show does have some purty hateful things to say about that young man and them Democrats. Seems to me that they gon do ebery thin they can to stop that boy from becomin president of these here Unitied states. They called that boy some purty bad things. But, since I ain't one to gossip, I'm just gone let you read some of it yoself. They said:
Now is not the time to put a love object in office, a weakling who will be entirely dependent on his power elite enablers. Or worse, he may be a dissembler who has barely disguised his contempt for the voters.
Nah, correct me if I'm wrong, but wan't it that uther colored President - wass his name? Clinton, yes Bill Clinton that got caught up in that round room wit that young gal doing stuff with them cigars? So why they callin that boy "a love object"? That just don't seem right. And ain't that boy who president now got a whole bunch of rich and powful folk tellin him what to do? Why they say that about that Barack Obama? Just don't seem right. But, I tell you, he do got a funny name tho don't he?
But, them people just kept on talkin bad things about that boy. They say that:
Barack Obama is a ruthless campaigner who has brought out the worst in the political system... He has failed to disguise his contempt for average, hard working American men and women.... He will be a failed presidential candidate. We do not wish to be associated with failure while there is still time and an opportunity to avoid it.
Seem to me that they don fogot about that one they called Tricky. Didn't they kick him out of that round office fo messing with that election and then he got all them uther men to lie fo him. They tell me that some of them men went to jail.
Well, here's these lady's plan to help put Missy Clinton into that round office in Washington D.C. I don't know why they askin fo money tho. Her husband got paid about $58 million they year befo this one. So it seem to me that they don't need no money. Besides, I ain't heard nothin bout narry one of them in a while so I spects that they off vacationin somewhere they don't want us to know bout.
The PUMA Plan:
I thinks I'm gon give these ladies one of my SjP S.O.S.(Stuck on Stupid) Awards. But, y'all might want to send her a couple of dollas now that I think bout it cause they tell me that she still got a lot of bills that she got to pay. And you know that boy with that funny name can't afford to pay her bills cause he need all his money fo to go to work in that round office in Washington D.C. next year.1.) Dissociate yourself from the party. Tell them you will not be a party to its self destructive behavior
2.) Reflect on your values. Read the credo at the top of this site and create at better one. Keep the language general and inclusive. Concentrate on universal truths and beliefs. Avoid wordsmithing.
3.) Stick together. We are powerful as a unit if we do not fall victim to the psychological warfare that is about to be directed at us. Turn off the media. Avoid conversations with trolls. Stand firm and do not yield.
4.) Remember that there is a better alternative. Hillary Clinton is the strongest candidate for the party and the nation. She has a lot of support out there. The nation will rally around her if we let them know we are not giving in. We must not let her concede one inch. Stand firm. Send her your good thoughts. Send her money. Do not give up.
5.) Spread the word.
Speak the Truth!