Check Technorati Rank…Read AfroSpear Group Discussion… Best Half needs some attention... Don’t forget Michelle Obama Watch… Gotta cook dinner… What’s going on at From My Brown Eyed View… Young SjP's need some Mamma-time... Meant to get by Field Negro's spot today… Gotta get that stuff together for the meeting... Raw Dawg, what you saying today? Gotta answer those plantation-related emails... Missed Marva’s 10spot... Regina, I need a lift... I see Native has a new post up... Gotta call Mamma... Wordless Wednesday…Gotta buy dog and cat food... Old School Friday… Sunday Inspirations…Damn! Gotta get that report done by tomorrow!
Albeit self-serving (I admit that), I’m sending out this invitation to bloggers to join EbonicallySpeaking.com. Powered by RingSurf, EbonicallySpeaking is a “one stop shop” of sorts that operates in the exact same manner that links many hundreds of Entrecard bloggers via DropSurf . Once you become a member, you simply go to your ES page, sign in, click on a member site and the EbonicallySpeaking Navigation Bar appears (below) and you’re ready to read and click away! Imagine! The ability to go to one site, click, and be able to read, review, and comment on many of your favorite blogs all in one place!

You can select one of the EbonicallySpeaking.com graphics (shown below) or the TEXT available to show on your blog.
I truly hope you will consider helping a couple of hard working sistahs. Please join join Sojourner’s Place and From My Brown Eyed View at EbonicallySpeaking.com. I really believe that you will find it to be a viable blogging tool for you and your readers. For those who blog as a hobby might give me them more time to get that report done before I they have to figure out a way for blogging to pay all the bills!
And please, feel free to invite others to join EbonicallySpeaking...PLEASE and Much Obliged!
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.
Photo credit: kookychick252 on Flickr