Sojourner's Place


sojourner's place brilliant? much obliged!  

Posted by SjP in , ,

Much obliged to fellow Entrecard Dropper, Isabella Mori of Change Therapy for humbling Sojourner's Place with the Brilliant Weblog Award for the recently created "Slave" Narratives Open Thread. And to think I've been considering discontinuing the weekly thread due to low activity, but not any more!

I urge all Sojourners to take some time to drop by Isabella's where she's committed to "making lives better, making better lives".
In receiving this award, I am to nominate at least 7 brilliant blogs. Now that is really difficult, as there are so many brilliant blogs deserving of this award. Awardees, are encouraged to:

1. Add the logo of the award to your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

The Brilliant Blogs I am nominating for this award are:

1. Black On Campus: I am a life-long student of higher education, and Ajuan continues to teach me lessons I never knew.

2. Black Women, Blow the Trumpet: When I need dig deep and be challenged about my own personal "isms", this is where I go. Word to the wise should be sufficient, Lisa don't allow no perps at her place so you better come real!

3. Gina of What About Our Daughters for having the "audacity" to enlist a cadre of bloggers and launch the Michelle Obama Watch, a repository of all of the criticism, praise, and general chicanery thrown at Michelle Obama between now and November. Its an honor to be a part of this effort.

4. Field Negro: it is probable that each and every Afrosphere or AfroSpear blogger is well aware of the hard-hitting brilliance of Field. And that's all I got to say about that!

5. The Marvalus View: Ms. Marva's 10Spot is simply a joy to read each week. She let's us have a peek into what she's feeling right now! Oh yeah, she is also one of the co-"founders" of Old School Friday...and where would we be without that!

6. Regina's Family Seasons: Class! Dignity! Integrity! Brilliant...and an inspiration to me!

7. Ebony Report: This is a spot that I just truly like and enjoy! As the tag line says, this blog presents provocative African-American news and commentary to enlighten and uplift.

8. Modern Musings: Whether for human rights in Darfur or calling for the reinvestigation of LaVena Johnson's death, Danielle uses her blog to advocate for what's right.

9. From My Brown Eyed View: Ms Lady Deborah, what can I say about this spot and blogger! Always on point and always looking out! Much obliged for all you do!

10. Raw Dawg Buffalo: in SjP's humble opinion, "My Daddy didn't name me Dr." aka Jones represents the best that the blogosphere has to offer. Real, and never shallow, he speaks on fatherhood, politics, the economy and so much more. When visiting this blog for the first time, you might want to take along copies of an "urban dictionary" and the latest scientific journal to help you translate, but believe me it will be worth it. Now, I see he already got one of these awards, but I don't care cuz Jones deserve anuther one from ole SjP! So, na he got 2.

Congratulations to all awardees and much obliged, Isabella for the recognition.

Speak the Truth!

Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.

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This entry was posted at Wednesday, August 20, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .

9 sojourners hollin' back

Congratulations on this blogger award. I haven't participated yet in the Slave Chronicles series. I will work to do so in the near future.

I haven't visiting each of the 7 choices you made. I'll need to check out the Ebony Report. The other six brothers and sisters (including Danielle!!!) are outstanding bloggers with blogs that make a difference...

August 20, 2008 at 7:36 AM

Happy WW! I appreciate what you are doing to support search for our missing angels...

Thanx for your earlier visit! I invite your blog readers to see creative finger art in honor of the Olympics on my WW-post this week...

peace, Villager

August 20, 2008 at 9:35 AM

sojourner, thanks so much for reacting so fast to this award!

one of the things i love about blogging is how it helps us build community. now i get to visit all these blogs and get to know people. i already have "black on campus" on my reader but haven't met the other ones yet.

thanks again, or, as you say, "much obliged" :)

August 20, 2008 at 2:08 PM

good look folk
jones here aint brilliant, leave that to the field negroe and the rest
now u though
are the truth jones

August 20, 2008 at 5:46 PM

Thank you so much, SjP! I am glad to be among such wonderful company...

August 20, 2008 at 7:02 PM

You are too sweet to me. I continue to hold sincere gratitude for your acknowledgement of my efforts.

Wayne just cracks me up! I'm a sister of the lighter variety.

My love for you runs deep.

Modern Musings

August 20, 2008 at 9:15 PM

You are too kind and I am humbled by your words...
Thank you precious lady!

August 23, 2008 at 1:33 PM

Moi, brilliant?

Thanks SjP for awarding my blog.
I have been so busy that I almost forgot to check out what you had left for me.

I appreciate it.

August 24, 2008 at 1:14 PM

@ Villager, much obliged for stopping by. I'm sure you'll find Ebony Report a blog to watch. LOL! "Including Danielle" Couldn't agree more!

@ Isabella, Much Obliged to you {smiling}!

@ Jones, I'm a old woman and you know when we get old we call it like we see it. H*ll! I been calling it like I see it ever since I could talk!

@ Ms Marva, you know you all that and a bag of chips! For REAL!

@ Danielle, gotta always show my sisters and "blog" neighbors much love! Much Obliged to you!

@ Regina, every word is true!

@ Ms Lady Deborah, Yes! You!

August 24, 2008 at 1:56 PM
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