Matt. 7:8 "For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Hello Lord, I love you.
I love you back, my son.
Sometimes when I want to pray I can't. I am too exhausted, too tired, too hurt, too wiped out, in too much pain…
Yes, I know about that and I am with you. You must remember that even when you cannot utter words, even when you have no words, you can be with me in a spirit of prayer. Prayer to me is like music coming from your soul just to me. Prayer is the way we connect. Even when you cannot utter one word but you come to me or even just want to come to me then I am glorified. Prayer is the most important part of life. No matter what you might have to go through during the day, the time we spend together in prayer is the most important.What do I do when I cannot utter words or when I cannot even think of words.You can still pray by resting in me.
I see the intent of your heart. I see what goes on in your heart, mind, and soul. When you cannot utter thoughts or words, you can think about me. When you cannot utter thoughts or words, you can rest in my presence. When you cannot think of anything to say you can still connect to me by wanting to connect to me.Sometimes it seems you do not answer.
I always listen. I always understand. I always know what you and others need. Yes, it may seem I do not answer but I do answer. I answer in ways you cannot know or understand. I answer in ways that you cannot even pray about for my ways are mysterious. My ways must remain mysterious for a time, but I always answer. When you pray for healing, although healing may not seem to come, healing will come at some point. When you pray for healing and the person you pray for comes to me after they leave their body there is more than healing. Healing of the body is not the ultimate gift I can give a person. The ultimate gift I can give a person was sent to you in the form of my Son who died upon the Cross. Through Christ and acceptance of Him in a person's heart and soul, there will come a day when healing happens by shedding the physical body and sailing away into my Light and Love and Heaven. When you leave your body you are healed but not just healed for you are given a new body. So when you pray for healing for the people on your list, someday they will be not just healed but transformed. I go beyond doing what you ask for. I go beyond answering what is prayed for. You would not believe it if I could show you how far I go beyond what you ask for in prayer. This is why prayer is so important. Prayer is the great shield between the evil of the world and you. Even when the evil one comes and tries to destroy you and destroy your body, when you pray there is a victory being assured in my heavenly realms. Think of prayer like football. Every time you pray you score points against the opponent. When you do not pray, the opponent scores points against you. When you do not pray, the points build up against you and you lose. The real winners in life are not the people who live a long time or who have money, wealth, fame, or position. The real winners in life are the people who pray to me in humility and contriteness.
I love people who pray and am able to do great works because they pray to me. When you pray in any form at all, you are talking to me. I am your father, your creator God. I want you to always be talking to me. Always be in my presence no matter what your mood, your emotions, your feeling, your thoughts, no matter what, I want you to be talking to me. Even when you cannot think of anything to say to me, you can be with me in your heart. When you are with me in your heart, you are in prayer with me. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone prayed all the time. Imagine what a different place the world would be. In heaven, all the beings on all the levels pray all the time. We all connect in this supernatural glorious way. In heaven, all the spirits rise all the time. We are in infinite motion rising all the time for we cannot be kept down. In heaven, we are sailing upwards all the time. On earth, when you are bound by your body, and because of the physical and emotional pain of life, you cannot sail upwards except when you pray. When you are alive on earth, you build up fuel for your journey upwards throughout eternity when you pray. When you pray there are ripples of my love that go throughout the world to people you do not know. When you pray for one person then others are receiving my love. When you pray for all the people you know, then all those people receive my love and people beyond them receive my love.
Lord, in our world today it looks like we are at the end of all things. It looks like the end of our lives and way of life. It looks like even our freedom of worship can be taken away along with our families and people we know. When we pray, what happens to this world? When we pray, does it make any difference in the war against darkness and evil?
Yes, it does make a difference. It makes an enormous difference. Like I said before, think what a dark world the world would be if no one prayed. The amount of prayers prayed by the number of people praying by the intensity of the prayer in their heart makes up a supernatural equation. The prayers people pray determine many things in the world. The prayers determine the future of the world. Jesus did not know when the end of all things was to come and when He would come back to you because of the prayer equation. Prayer is the determining factor in nearly all events. Imagine how important prayer is and you cannot imagine enough! If all people prayed at the same time on the earth, then things would change immediately. When people of the earth do not pray, then things devolve. It makes no difference whether people pray with their lips, mouth, or vocal chords, as some believe. When you pray, you must pray in your heart of hearts. When you pray, come to me and I will hear you for I love you, and I will always love you. I will always hear you and I will do what you ask me but you may not know the time, place, or circumstances of my answers. Feel my presence in your heart. Feel my descending beam of love coming over you. Feel my uplifting and upwelling power from within you. Rest in my hiding place within the great dome of heaven where we can always meet. I love you my Son.
I love you Lord.
Thank you my son. I love you back. Give my words away and feed my sheep.
Sunday Inspiration Participants:
Afroamericawriter - Bria - Georgia's Angels - Hagar's Daughter - Marvalus - msladydeborah - Villager - Mrs Grapevine - Talulazoeapple - The78MsJ
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.