Thursday Thirteen is a fun meme revitalized by Danielle Vyas of The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
This week I present 13 milestones in my life or that I've witnessed this week:
1. The "Social Butterfly" started college!
2,3, & 4. M. T., the eldest of the young SjPs started her sophomore year in college, announce that she would like to carry on the "pinkies up" legacy, and learned she made the Dean's List last semester!
5. My Mother turned 76.
6. My maternal Aunt, a breast cancer survivor, turned 78.
7. The Olympics in China ended, but the genocide in Darfur continues.
8. The "Social Butterfly" and I saw Carmello Anthony.
9. Hillary Clinton delivered one hell of a speech at the Democratic National Convention.
10. Former President Bill Clinton told the world that Barack Obama was able and capable to be the next President of the United States.
11. The PUMAs were declawed and told to "get over it".
12. Michelle Obama defined herself, her family, and her husband for the entire world in an up close and very personal speech during the Democratic National Convention.
and the ultimate...NUMBER 13: Last night, I watched an African-American, Barack Obama, be nominated by the Democratic Party FOR THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.