Thursday Thirteen is a fun meme revitalized by Danielle Vyas of The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
This week I decided to list 13 things that have had me wondering lately.
1. Bush is sorry that he looked into Putin's soul...
2. Cullen had fallen into the pool if he would have been allowed to return to the United States...
3. McCain knows that "Rockie" was a fairy tale in search of "The Great White Hope"...
4. anyone on the Chinese women's gymnastics team has reached puberty...
5. mainstream media will air McCain's ad implying that Obama is the Anti-Christ...
6. John Edwards has stopped paying child support...use to wonder why he smiled so much, but I don't anymore...
7. subscriptions to will increase by I shamelessly promoting it in this post ...
8. the Olympic Opening Ceremony was China's way of telling the world "don't phuque with us"...
9. Russia is telling us "we're baaaccckkk" and "don't phuque with us"....
10. Bush will pardon Marian Jones for taking drugs and Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean for trying to stop drugs from crossing the US border...
11. Salim Ahmed Hamdan was given a light sentence in return for information on Bin Laden's where abouts...
12. the PUMAs will ever stop living in the land of make believe, being angry white women, and finally realizing that Hillary is not - and will not be - the Presidential nominee...
13. Bill will close his Harlem office now that he's snagged his draughs and been dethroned as the first Black president...
and one more for the good of the order...
I wonder if you've gone to Lavenia Johnson.Com to demand that truth about her death...