Did anyone catch the Lyda Green interview conducted by MSNBC host Rachel Maddow? Green, is a Republican, current President of Alaska Senate, and represents the district in which the Ice Queen resides. Seems that Green knows first hand what a pitbull with lipstick is capable of. Check it out the interview.
Green has been critical of her fellow Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, John McCain's vice presidential running mate. Green said "she's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?", while referring to an oil tax increase Palin pushed through an award of a $500 million state subsidy to a Canadian firm to pursue a natural gas pipeline that is not guaranteed.
Earlier in January 2008, Palin had been involved in a mild controversy in an appearance on the KWHL radio program "The Bob and Mark Show." During the show, host Bob Lester repeatedly criticized Green, accused her of being jealous of Palin's success, and mocked Green's weight. Lester went on to call Green a "cancer" and a "bitch," to which Palin laughed, rather than defend Lyda. Several days later, Palin's office addressed the controversy, stating that she was "caught off guard" by Lester's comments. Source
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