The long awaited first debate between Obama and Lt. Dan is now history. As I attempt to digest last night's proceedings, I find myself remembering quotes from my all time favorite 3 movies - The Godfather I, II, & III.
So, with that in mind, here's my take on the debate with just a few Godfather quotes to remember and live by:
"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." It really bothered me last night when Barack continued to "agree" with Lt. Dan on many of issues. I wondered why he would concede any points to Lt. Dan. Then I realized that Barack, in his shrewdness, was keeping his enemies closer by not going on the attack. As as the pundits have been reporting, he was showing his ability to work across enemy Party lines. Albeit subtle - it was indeed a brilliant move as the pundits had to put a swing to the possible rationales in doing so. Now, Lt. Dan looks as if he is not one to build consensus, give credit where credit is due, and is willing to be an a$$hole even if its at the cost of America and her citizens.
"Do you know how their gonna come after you?" Well he knows now. Barack knew that all he had to do last night was to hold his own. He let Lt. Dan continue to shoot his best shots by saying "Senator Obama doesn't understand" line. That line will only go so far during the next debates. Now, he's put out an ad that has a life expectancy of about a week until it that very same line is turned on its head when Biden debates Palin. In fact, I predict that for every answer the Ice Queen delivers, Biden will retort "Gov. Palin does not understand..."
"My father taught me many things." Should one forget or not know, Chicago politics is probably the most ruthless and powerful in the Country. This is where Barack received on the job training and he continues to have members of the most powerful political machine in the Country as advisors. Remember, Daly will be mayor for life or until he decides he's ready to turn over the reigns to someone else named Daly.
"F*ck Michael Corleone," what do we do with a piece of s*it like that? He's a fucking dog." Lt. Dan could not bring himself to look at Obama during the entire debate. The way I saw it, he was even hesitant to shake Obama's hand. That translates to "f*ck Barack Obama" and his surrogates have so much as said so. In fact, they've been saying that there was really no need to "look" at Obama because he could look right through him. what do we do with a piece of s*it like that? "I say we take Lt. Dan OUT!" But, Obama is no doubt saying Never let them know what you're thinking.
"He was stupid. I was lucky. I'll visit him soon." Barack held his own in an area that is clearly not his strong suit, foreign affairs and policy. He was Presidential and didn't really give Lt. Dan anything to build or break Obama down on. Obama continues to be ahead in the polls and many of the battleground states are leaning his way. Lt. Dan - the military tactical and strategical expert - shot his wad last night and Obama escaped without even a scratch. So, yes, at least in my opinion, Lt. Dan was stupid...Obama was lucky...and you can be rest assured that Obama will put a hurting on him when he's visits him again during the next 2 debates.
Speak the Truth!