This video comes with the very sincere and strong warning to DO NOTHING AT YOUR OWN RISK! Believe me it is not for the faint of heart. When I first saw it over at First Door on the Left by Len, I truly got very scared and very sick to my stomach.
Sojourner's Place
7 sojourners hollin' back
Trader Rick is evidently extremely delusional if he thinks John McCain is anything shy of George W. Bush. He has exhibited just how much he puts his "country first" by choosing an absolute train wreck as a running mate.
His voting record on benefits for American veterans is what's abhorrent.
His willingness to continue to wage a war that can NEVER be won...even if it takes 100 years is what's abhorrent.
His tax breaks for the rich with nothing left for the middle man is what's abhorrent.
His pseudo-suspension of his campaign to ride into Washington on his trusty steed for the sake of political pandering is what's abhorrent.
His failure to divulge his medical records to the American public (we deserve to know) is what's abhorrent.
His ties with lobbyist while he looks America in the eye and swears he loathes these people and what they stand for is what's abhorrent.
And what he'll do to this country if he's elected President....IS WHAT'S ABHORRENT
I just posted this on my sidebar early this a.m...but not before screaming in sheer horror of the thought.
It hits home and oh heyll yes, it is scary...very, very,very scary to even think on.
It is a great video and it hits home. Hopefully those who have not taken the time to register will get the point.
@Trader Rich, much obliged for stopping by SjP's. Please don't be a stranger as my doors are always open.
In visiting your spot, I noticed that you are a Vet. I applaud you and am very grateful to you for your service to our Country. The sacrifices our Vets made in that and other Wars are certainly beyond measure and as such should and must be honored. Certainly, it appears that John McCain espouses like thought until it comes to his vote. As Blog Queen states, McCain's voting record on benefits for American Vets is abhorrent. Simply wearing a bracelet and using it as a photo op does not take the place of a vote to ensure their benefits upon their return.
@Blog Queen, ABHORRENT is an understatement!
@Ms Lady Deborah - much obliged! I think if we all put this video on our spots that it make folks understand the urgency of the moment.
I think I just had a stroke.
@Clnmike, I too. Pretty scarey!
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- SjP
One Christian, African-American, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Professional, Sorority Woman just Sojourning for the Truth and not afraid to tell it!
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Est. January 1, 2008

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