You know, there's been tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and Wall Street. And it is, people are frightened by these events. Our economy, I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult times.
Then you said:
My opponents may disagree, but those fundamentals of America are strong. No one can match an American worker. Our workers sell more goods to more markets than any other on earth. Our workers have always been the strength of our economy, and they remain the strength of our economy today.
Lt. Dan, much obliged for the clarification. I was beginning to get concerned with all the financial institutions going to hell in a handbasket as fast you can say "lipstick on a pig". So, I guess all those American workers who watched their jobs shipped overseas and the millions of Americans who have to decide whether to buy the medicine they need to stay alive or the food they need to stay alive and the millions of Americans who have lost their homes because of predatory lending practices really don't have anything to worry about because THEY - WE - REMAIN THE STRENGTH OF THE ECONOMY TODAY. But, I still got one question for you, Lt. Dan - did your wife's private jet take you, your $500 shoes, and your 7 mortgages on a campaign stop to Fantasy Island? THE PLANE...THE PLANE!
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.