I know I've been slacking over the last couple of weeks. Haven't been dropping by like I use to or even having the opportunity to speak my own truths here at SjP's. For this I really do apologize, but time just seems to get away from me.
This is the reason why I was so surprised a few days ago when I learned that Sojourner's Place had been humbled with awards from two amazing bloggers: Wayne of Electronic Village and Believer1964 of Miscellaneous Matters.Much obliged to the griot himself, Wayne of Electronic Village, for presenting Sojourner's Place with the Blogging Star Award. Barb, who blogs over at Skittles' Place, created this award for those who shine their light throughout the Blogosphere. Some do it with humor, others with creativity, and others with their kind and thoughtful natures. We all know more than a few of them so why not give them some recognition?"It is my pleasure to spread the love to others for the second year in the row. In humbling SjP's with this award, Villager writes:
Sojourner's Place - This blog is designed from the perspective of the professional African American woman ... however, I think that nubian brothers benefit from the wisdom of Sojourner as well. Sojourner created the Helping Hand Award and Sunday Inspirations. All villagers need to check this blog out. I'm pleased to be able to present Sojourner's Place with this award.
I'm passing the Blogging Star Award to: Miscellaneous Matters, The Synergistic Pen, Musings About A Muddled World, Sagacious Rambling, and Black On Campus.
As a recipients of this award, you are encouraged to: 1/ display it on your blog along with a link to who gave it to you; 2/ mention that it originated at Skittles' Place so Barb can follow it's journey; and 3/ Pass it on to any blogger(s) you think should have it.

So, in passing on the Certified Honest Blogger Award, the recipients of the Blogger Star Award get a two-fer. In addition, I'm also passing this award to: Electronic Village, SANKOFA, The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor
As a recipient of this award, you are encouraged to: 1/write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back; 2/select at least 7 blogs that you find brilliant in their content or design; 3/show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with ‘Honest Weblog’; 4/ show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize (optional); 5/ pass it on!
Congratulations to all! You each give me motivation and energy to keep on trying to speak the truth here at SjP's! And much obliged, very much obliged to Villager and Believer for finding SjP's worthy!
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.