History has taught us that voices of change, reason, and conscious have often been silenced in an effort to thraught that which is considered a threat to status quo. John F. Kennedy, Malcolm, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Emmitt Teal, and Robert Kennedy - all challenged the status quo and all paid the ultimate price for raising their voice. Yet, their dreams and dedication - although at the time where deferred - have brought us all to this day and this time.
With just 10 days left before E-Day, we've seen the race for the Presidency of the United States heating up in ways that were unimaginable three months ago. The verbal attacks against Senator Obama's person are not only alarming but extremely dangerous. As such, it is fitting that a day prayer and fasting has now been called for November 3rd, the day before E-Day.
I encourage all Sojourners to join me and others throughout the world in prayer and fasting for Senator Barack Obama. If you are so inclined, I'm also asking that you help me and Sojourners in spreading the word.
When: November 3, 2008
Time: Noon - 1P
Instead of eating, let us all "join hands in prayer" for:
1. The Hand of God to move in a mighty way over this election.
2. The election to be handled in a fair and honest manner and in a way that pleases God.
3. The protection of Obama and his family.
* If you are on medication and have to eat something during that time, ask God to speak to your heart and tell you what to give up.
* I am adding a 4th item to list of what to pray for and that is that the results of the election will not result in any activity or events that will further divide the citizenry of this Nation.
Thy will be done, Amen!
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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november 3rd: worldwide day of prayer and fasting
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november 3rd: worldwide day of prayer and fasting