SAY WHAT? No Armstrong Williams DID NOT fix his mouth to criticized Gwen Ifill about her book about African-American political leaders, saying she "should have disclosed" it, and that it is "ultimately impossible" for her not to favor Sen. Barack Obama, because she has a "financial stake" in his winning the presidency. MM-HM, YEAH HE DID! Armstong, you know you wrong cause some of us ain't forgot the $240K you got to promote No Child Left Behind from your Frat when he was over the Department of Education!
SAY WHAT? Was that a pitbull with lipstick winking at the American public during the one and only Vice Presidential debate? MM-HM! What's that about?
SAY WHAT? Did the Ice Queen really say she fought to protest atrocities in Sudan by dropping assets tied to the country's brutal regime from the state's multi-billion-dollar investment fund? MM-HM! YEAH SHE DID. Only thing is that her folks killed the bill to divest leaving $22 million in Sudan-linked investments of the $40 billion fund. Guess that's why she was winking.
SAY WHAT? Did you know that O.J. was on trial for armed robbery and kidnapping in Las Vegas? MM-HM! Well he's not anymore, cause he was found guilty on all counts! SAY WHAT? MM-HM!
Speak the Truth! Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.