We've all known for weeks now that Lt. Dan's campaign is in shambles. He's all over the place - you never know what he's going to say or do next...hell! He never knows what he's going to say or do next. So, now with just days before E-Day, he's throwing more shyt than the law allow trying to get something to stick. You'd think he'd give up and bow out gracefully.
But, nooooooo! Not Lt. Dan. I guess he wants some more battle scares for which he can boast. Why else would he be going around insisting that the LA Times to release a tape of Obama having dinner with Khalidi and Ayers? Something tells me that the "real" Americans Lt. Dan's been courting over the past couple weeks might not be too pleased that he gave Khalidi almost $500 dollars to do research.
I can't wait to hear how Lt. Dan tries to explain this one. It certainly ought to be very interesting. Wonder what's worst to the Joe the Plumbers...having a friend who's a Palestinian or giving a Palestinian hard earned American money? I'm sorry....but I just gotta laugh!In 1993, McCain became chairman of the International Republican Institute. He still chairs that respected organization.
That same year, Khalidi helped found the Center for Palestine Research and Studies, self-described as “an independent academic research and policy analysis institution” created to meet “the need for active Palestinian scholarship on issues related to Palestine.” (Its archived Web site is HERE.)
Khalidi was on the board of trustees through 1999.
According to tax returns, the McCain-chaired IRI funded the organization Khalidi founded and served on to the tune of $448,873 in 1998 (click HERE to see the tax return)* as first reported by Seth Couter Walls at HuffPo. Source.
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
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