Yesterday was Old School Friday and the theme was “Hard Day at Work”. Little did I know just how prophetic my DMX pick would be for the day on my side of the plantation. But, I’m going to admit that I was completely to blame for the type of day I had. Hell! I’m completely to blame for the last years.
I haven’t learned in my 56 years of life and 35 years of employment when to keep my mouth shut. I haven’t learned that having a college education along with a pretty impressive professional title does not entitle me to have an opinion. I haven’t learned to stay in my place and to never question those to whom I report or to definitely NOT disagree. I haven’t learned to “Just Be Glad that I Have a Job” rule. I haven’t learned that no matter what I say or do that I will always be discounted and characterized as “the angry Black woman” in the room.
So, I’m going to do all in my power to do everything I can to simply keep my mouth shut. I will stand by silently as those in authority lie. I will wholeheartedly nod my head in agreement as those who voice differing opinions, question, or don’t cow-tow to the powers are systematically targeted for unemployment. I will sit idly by as covert harassment and intimidation are enforced to cover the butts of those in charge. I will stop calling it like I see it when obvious manipulations and maneuverings are occurring. I will do all in my power to know and stay in my place.
As a colleague told me recently “It ain’t gotta make sense. I just gotta make sure I get my check”. But, my Mother always says “Right is Right and Right Don’t Wrong Nobody”. So, if my Mother is right and my colleague is also right – what do I do and still be able to live with myself?
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Sojourner's Place
8 sojourners hollin' back
I agree with Revvy Rev on this ... sometimes we are called to a place for a specific time, reason, and season. If you hold your peace long enough ... you'll be given a chance to speak out when the time is right. In the mean time pray what you aren't able to say.
Rev & Straight Talk,
MUCH OBLIGED!!! I truly needed your words of wisdom on this. Your words are making me dig deeper than I really want to as I keep hearing the word "pride" resound through my brain. But, you both have - like the WORD - cut through the b.s.('cuse me Rev)and get right down to much of what I am feeling. I must get back to what I know is right - and that is "it ain't about me".
I have dedicated my life to trying to help others. To "leaving the pile higher than I found it". But, I forgot the most important rule and that is to pick the right battles in order to win the war.
Please know that your words have not fallen on deaf ears. I will pray that the Lord puts a guard over my mouth and when necessary and appropriate to put the words in my mouth to say. I know this is going to be hard for me to do - but, when two or more are gathered in His Name miracles happen. So, ya'll keep me in your prayers and I'm going to claim the miracle and the victory ::smile::
Again - much obliged!
I have this same problem in the academy and sometimes my big mouf gets me in trouble! I guess you just have to pick and choose your battles. That's the lesson I've learned. Just because something is up for intellectual debate--and everything in the academy always is--doesn't mean you gotta put your two cents in. If it's something that is a serious issue of civil rights, ethics, etc. then speak up. If not, then keep your mouf shut. LOL! I guess you just have to define what serious is and what it ain't, and be willing to acknowledge and be truly honest about what it is that you will and won't accept. :-)
SjP, no better advice than what is already here (tho the idealistic rebel upstart in me doesn't want to follow that advice either!). Just wanted to let you know this uppity gimpy white mama is with you in spirit. Keep making the world a little better as much as you can. There are very few folks in a place to help anyone by starving themselves on a hunger strike intentionally, don't go losing your livelihood on principles too quickly. Your heart will know if it's what has to be done to make true progress.
Been quietly following your posts but wanted to reach out a hand of virtual sisterhood on this one as you sounded like you needed a little more uplifting.
@ Prof PC,
Much obliged! It is so good to know that Sojourners understand but more importantly who tell me the truth. Even when the truth is hard to sollow. oooo! but my mouf! ::smile::
@ Ahmie
Much obliged! Much obliged! Much obliged! I truly needed that uplifting and the virtual hug you have given me today.
I tend to have trouble keeping quiet about destructive nonsense at work. I agree that picking battles is key. I talked myself out of a job once, and as far as I know it didn't accomplish anything.
I think maybe in good times everybody has more leverage to change things. In bad times, not so much.
Anyway I'm pulling for you!
Tom! So good to hear from you - my good virtual friend! I do so much appreciate your support and encouragement.
Words are simply not enough to express just how much you all are helping me get through this valley...
Much Obliged!
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Who I Be?

- SjP
One Christian, African-American, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Professional, Sorority Woman just Sojourning for the Truth and not afraid to tell it!
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Created with the professional African-American woman in mind, the scope of Sojourner’s Place evolves every day. So glad you stopped by and I hope you will be inspired, informed, motivated, and energized!
Once again, welcome and much obliged for stopping by. Come back soon!
Est. January 1, 2008

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