I learned many years ago, that if there is a policeman driving behind you with lights flashing and if you feel that pulling over and stopping is not in your best interest at the time, that you should slow down, turn on your flashers, and proceed to the nearest populated area. This procedure is considered a cardinal rule for those of us familiar with "DWB". No doubt, Ryan Moats is well aware of this rule as he drove threw that red light trying to get to the bedside of his dying mother-in-law.
The video below is a full accounting of the incident involving Ryan Moats being prohibited from going to be with his wife as she said her final good-byes to her mother. What was on this policeman's mind? Did he not realize that there was an obvious emergency occurring for the occupants of that vehicle which required them to drive directly to the hospital? What is in this policeman's soul that so jaded his sense of humanity that he found it more important to get the driver's license and insurance after learning that his mother-in-law was in that hospital dying?
This policeman was more interested in putting the driver in his place...correcting the driver's attitude...and exerting his authority than doing what was right. My heart goes out to Ryan Moats and his family. My heart aches for all who have been the victim of DWB...most of whom do not play for NFL.
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Sojourner's Place
3 sojourners hollin' back
UB John, yes...that says it all!
It doesn't appear that the young man was ego tripping off his NFL status ... he was just a man concerned for his family. Thank God he had the presence of mind not to just walk away from the cop. I believe we'd be reading a different headline if he did. (By the way it took me a moment to figure out "dwb".)
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- SjP
One Christian, African-American, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Professional, Sorority Woman just Sojourning for the Truth and not afraid to tell it!
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