Look Barry, just because you were the first African-American to be the editor of the Harvard Review, and a member of the legislative branches of government on both the state and federal levels, and now the President of the United States - why you think you deserve to get an honorary degree from one of the most prestigious nonflag-ship universities in these here United States? Boy! Have you done gone and lost yo' mind? Don't you know you got to do more than be the first African-American President to be able to put that D-R in front yo' name?
See, I bet ya'll think I'm joking. But, I'm dead serious. President Obama is scheduled to deliver the commencement address at Arizona State University in a few weeks. But, university officials will not be conferring an honorary degree on him at that time because "achievements have yet to rate the honor".
Media Relations Director Sharon Keller of the university sited that, in essence, the President has not yet qualified for an honorary degree from the University of Arizona. In a statement issued to the Associated Press, she states:His body of work is yet to come. That's why we're not recognizing him with a degree at the beginning of his presidency.
According to the university's guidelines, the degree is merited by "significant contributions to education and society over the course of a person's career. The question here is, how long is the "course of a person's career"? Sandra Day O'Connor received the honor after serving only 3 years on the Supreme Court and Barry Goldwater only one term in the Senate. But they both were also Arizona natives.
Maybe Arizona is still a little salty because their native son, Lt. Dan, lost the election to That One. Or perhaps that are more than justified, as President Obama has held the highest office in the Land and the most powerful office in the world for less than 100 days. Perhaps after he turns the economy around, ends that war in Iraq and Afghanistan, stops the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, makes everything green, gives everybody who ain't got one a job, and learns how to effectively walk on water his body of work will prove him deserving of an honorary degree from Arizona State University!
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjPain't got nothin' more to say...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Sojourner's Place
10 sojourners hollin' back
@ Griper,
But, have to disagree with you on the subjective vs objective criteria. Been my experience that when subjective criteria is used the criteria often changes to suit the needs or desires of those passing the judgement.
Good to "see" you. It's been a while. ::smile::
that was why i said i never liked the use of them, little one. what you said is an inevitability. so, we were in agreement not disagreeement.
a job interview is another situation where judgment is mostly subjective and follows along the lines you just said.
we had a big scandle in the olympics a while back for the same reasons in the sport of ice skating if i remember right.
personal opinion, which by its nature is biased, must be used too much.
its not so much of a changing criteria used but how the existing criteria is to be applied.
also in subjective judgment precedence has little meaning for determining the conclusion. reason being is that the question could be turned around and used against those who got the honorary degree and declare they did not deserve it either.
we need to remember that deserving it is the main criteria of an award such as this.
@ Griper,
Point well taken. We do agree.
besides, in my personal, thus biased, opinion, i think the primary criteria of awards such as these has more to do with financial support than anything else.
give them eno9ugh money and you'll get one too. :)
@ Griper,
On that we definetely agree! Which may, in fact, have formed the basis of their initial decision. Fearing the loss of future funding. Although, I have heard since writing this post that ASU is "reconsidering". Negotiating with their donars no doubt.
he sits here and laughs,,,hey this agreeing business is a little scary. we might give people second thoughts on whether they should read our blogs or not. :)
@ The Griper
LOL! We better start disagreeing again! lol
awww let's agree at least one more time here.
"Happy Easter, may all know the blessings that we remember this day for"
@ The Griper -
Could not agree more! Happy Easter to you and yours. Be blessed.
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- SjP
One Christian, African-American, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Professional, Sorority Woman just Sojourning for the Truth and not afraid to tell it!
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