Nearly 37,000 folks have signed a petition for FAUX News to stop smearing the Obamas. Just in from
You're not going to believe what FOX is up to now—we could hardly believe it ourselves. Not only are they smearing Michelle Obama with racist stereotypes, but then they offer a feeble apology that they believe gives them the right to slander her again.
In the now famous words of Whitney Houston, tell Faux News, HELL TO THE NAUGH! by signing the petition before July 13 when it will be delivered by Color of Change!
Speak the Truth!
Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothing more to say.
Oh yes I do believe it! I've never watched FOX New in the past so I had no idea that it was a sanctioned racist/hate channel. At this point I have no doubt of their primary goal, so of course I purpose don't watch now. It is one of the most disgusting efforts I've become aware of on television in a while.
The wonderful thing about our behavior? You can rest assured that they'll get it back ten fold.
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Once again, welcome and much obliged for stopping by. Come back soon!