Got some things, that I just feel like sharing, rambling, or ranting about. So here goes:
1. We are all deeply saddened by the tragedy that has befallen Jennifer Hudson and her family. We all need to remember that God puts nothing on us that we can't bear and this too, shall come to pass.
But, I must ask: How many other "Jennifer Hudsons" are out there who have experienced a death or kidnapping of their loved-one but because they are NOT famous their tears go unnoticed and unreported? While the murders of Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother, and nephew is just horrible - and I pray for her and her family - my heart is also heavy with the hundreds of missing African-American children for whom there is no out-pouring of media coverage. Are their lives no less important? Are they no less loved? This is the reason SjP's will continue to use Wordless Wednesday's to alert all Sojourners visiting here that there are those who are Black and Missing who are not only loved but are also NOT FORGOTTEN.
2. So, the Ice Queen is a Diva? Tell me, what gave it away?
3. Much obliged to all "using my good towels". Got more to spare, so feel free to use them cause they for compny only!
4. Please join in the Worldwide Day of Prayer and Fasting on Monday, Nov. 3. While the intent of this prayer vigual is to pray for Senator Obama's safety, I urge Sojourners pray for all of the candidates in this race. And most of all for God's will to be done in this election, our Country, and the world.
5. Seems that Divas and DJs continues to be the booking agent for Shirley Q. Liquor aka Charles Knipp. Despite protests, petitions, and just plain outrage, this self-proclaimed actor, comedian, nurse, minister and drag queen, continues to denigrate African-American women while performing for his adoring fans. This real a$$hole has rejuvenated his website which you can see here; and if you're really a glutton for punishment - here's his My Space Page. And guess what - he's supporting Lt. Dan and the Ice Queen, so what's that tell you!
6. On Friday of last week, the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick dismissed the lawsuit brought by Philip Berg's lawsuit claiming that Barack Obama was NOT eligible to be the POTUS. Berg's suit claimed that:a. Obama is either a citizen of his father’s native Kenya, by birth there or through operation of U.S. law; or b. that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia by relinquishing his prior citizenship (American or Kenyan) when he moved there with his mother in 1967. c. Either way, in Plaintiff’s opinion, Obama does not have the requisite qualifications for the Presidency that the Natural Born Citizen Clause mandates. d.The Amended Complaint alleges that Obama has actively covered up this information and that the other named Defendants are complicit in Obama’s cover-up.
Thank goodness Surrick saw this lawsuit for what it was - a pile of crap - dismissing it on the on grounds that it lacked standing.
Obliged to you for hearing me,
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
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