"We have some difficult days ahead". These words by the great Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have resonated through my head all day yesterday. Like you, I am sure that you've heard the attacks and the threats of attacks coming from the McCain-Palin campaign against Barack. They are linking him to William Ayers and other radicals. And Sean Hannity's America accused him of being a terrorist operative.
Father God we thank You again for giving Barack Obama an excellent spirit and for having favor upon his life in every situation and circumstance. (Daniel 6:3) We cast all our worries, fears and cares on You. We know that You have all the power to effect the outcome of the debate on Thursday and that no amount of fretting, worrying or stressing out is going to help. You have asked us to worry about nothing but to cast all our cares on You and have faith that You will deliver and provide. Dear Lord please provide for Joe Biden now as he prepares for the debate. On Thursday may the words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart be acceptable in Your sight. Guide his every word, mannerism, tone, approach and delivery so that he prevails in this debate with Governor Palin. Lord please don't let low expectations cloud the eyes of your people and deceive them into seeing Palin success where there is none. Please God let truth and transparency prevail. Thank You. Amen!
By Emma, Founder of "61 Days of Prayer for Barack Obama" group on Facebook.
Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...