Much obliged to my blogging sister, Danielle Vyas of, for revitalizing this weekly meme called Thursday Thirteen. The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Danielle used this meme to recognize her Twitter "friends and followers". I'm so glad to be among her "crew" and in fact, she was the first to begin to follow me on Twitter. Much obliged Danielle, still learning how to make Twitter work for me :>).
Anyway, the last couple of weeks have brought Sojourner's Place several blogging surprises including nominations for the Black Blog and Black Weblog Awards, the recipient of a Rising Blogger Award for the Saggin' Pants post, moving up in Villagers BBR to 114 out of 1329 blogs, and reaching a Technorati Authority over 100! All this, and Monday (8/11) is my birthday! Whoopie!
So, in coming up with my Thursday Thirteen, I am passing on the second The Emblem of the Helping Hand to 13 bloggers who have shown Sojourner's Place much love and support. Much obliged y'all for all you do! Go here to find out more about the Emblem and how to display it on your site.
Much obliged to each and everyone of you! Couldn't do it without you!
- Adventures in Being
- Black Political Thought
- Ebony Report
- HicktownPress
- Mimi Writes
- Musings About A Muddled World
- Raw Dawg Buffalo
- The Synergistic Pen
- UltravioletUnderground
- What About Our Daughters?
- Womanist Musings