A couple of weeks ago, I started getting emails from the Republican Party encouraging me to vote early and for Lt. Dan and the Ice Queen. In response to the first email received, I politely told my state's Republican Party that I had indeed voted and indicated that I was surprised that I was just now getting any information from them. My second response was not as polite as it was "from" the Ice Queen herself. Devoid of any four-letter words, I let her know that I not only voted early but that I had in fact voted for THAT ONE! I let her know that had the Republican Party tried to garner my vote earlier that my choice might have been different - YEAH! RIGHT! But anyway, I wrongly expected NOT to receive anymore emails from her or anyone else from the Republican Party.
The United States fought against Saddam Hussein’s genocide saving and protecting innocent lives. Now millions of Iraq’s citizens are secure and free from tyranny and terrorism. Mr. Obama says this was a mistake. Translation Mr. Obama would have voted for genocide. Mr. Obama would have let more mass graves be filled with the innocent lives of women and children killed by the orders of Saddam.
The Fundamental Truth Is that Freedom is always worth the Price
John McCain gets it and understands the true price of freedom and stands solidly with the long line of those in our military that have suffered and died for freedom.
Stop NOW, Oprah, and the Liberal media from deciding who will be our next president.
Your maximum possible gift of $5,000 would help us enormously.
Even smaller donations are going to help. Anything you can do will give us the ammunition we need to fight for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Any amount — $1000, $500, $250, or even $100 will help show the truth before the November Presidential election.
Even if you can only afford $35 or $25 — we need your help and we need it now.
Ronald Reagan once said, “If not us, who? If not now, when?”
and now old SjP ain't got nothin' more to say...
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